Update June 2013 -
Heaps in latest journal too!
Mainly May 23 and all of June ... so far ...
May journal part 2 - you could look in may part1 ...
"Show me the best reality of life - show me the secrets of the blood!"
"Once upon a time, a man tried to tell himself a lovely little story about his own life."
"Coming up on tonight's news, we examine the fundamental nature of reality."
"Do you like 2 believe in the SHABBY-FORM? The SHABBY-FORM!? What about the SHABBLESS-BORN! The SHABBLESS-BORN!? What about the SHABBY-FORM!"
"Once upon a time, I was born into the psychological mysteries of life"
"Each experience I have is an opportunity for greater growth"
"Sometimes men & women & families & children & doctors like 2 enjoy their lives ..."
"I used 2 believe in ALL the chronolgical moments of life!"
"The world is a puzzle just waiting 2 be fixed. When I think about it my feelings are quite mixed."
"Im NOT mad - I'm the PUZZ-BAR-THROTIK man!"
"Oh, Geoff. That's beautiful. You REALLY know how 2 talk about life!"
How 2 lose your mind also has a smattering - along with a few poems & sites
It also explains why SPONTANEOUS gibberish may be best for the effect
Youtube has some gibberish therapy
Osho's dynamic meditation is also well-worth your lookin into!
Update February 2011 -
"Once upon a time, I was born into the psychological mysteries of life."
"Life is SOMETHING normal & the man is ALWAYS there."
"People are ALWAYS trying 2 enjoy their lives but they're not sure what 2 do when the moment arrives."
"Show me the PUMPING of the world. Show me the medical history of blood. Show me the the language of ALL flavours. Show me the memories of the Christ. Show me the bending of EACH moment. Show me ALL the surfaces of reality! Show me the medical examples of the morning ..."
"Sometimes I think I might like 2 turn the money over ..."
"What is your NEXT available access 2 life?."
"People would treat each other FAR better if they were genuinely happy within themselves."
"I remember turning the pages but i don't remember turning my life around."
"Sometimes I think that I might like 4 someone 2 show me the extraq moments of life."
"How many arrangements are there in a time-honoured world?
"People love 2 believe in the earliest movements of life."
"Somtimes I like 2 believe in the second reality of life."
"I like 2 ZING a ZONG & you can ZING along."
"Sometimes people love 2 tell me about the 42nd reality of life."
"There are moments when I feel like I can believe in the bulging realities of life."
"Stop the blood! Stop the medical! Stop the family!"
"I try not 2 allow myself 2 become SO mesmerised by the content of my mind that I lose the essential mystery of my own existence."
"Sometimes I like 2 speak 2 medically deranged humans.
"I think that men & women & children & families & doctors shoul always believe in the human arrangements."
"You would think differently if you had experienced what I have experieenced."
"I have trouble walking & talking but i don't know enough about the corners."
"There is no length INSIDE the bone but you can USE it with your phone."
"Sometimes people like 2 ASK me if life has been mentiooned."
"No! No! No! That's NOT the way! That's not the WAY!"
"I couldn't understand the WORDS so i tried 2 SHAKE the corners."
"Sometimes I think I'm not GOLDEN of the types. That's good, Geoff. Why don't you write it down."
"People ask me IF I'm normal then I guarantee their lives."
"Call a doctor quickly - this man is trying 2 be normal!"
"Sometimes I wish someone could point me towards the codenames of Christ."
"I love 2 find new & exciting ways 2 manipulate my OWN life."
"I think I will RELAX once the chronics have gone ..."
"WAH-WAH-WAH." - to the tune of 'Sweet Dreams' :)
"You don't love the PLINKY. You don't love the PLINKY. You don't love the PLINKY."
"Humans ALWAYS ask me if I am crazy ..."
"I think that the secret of life is 2 behave randonmly throught the day ..."
"Sometimes I like 2 believe I am the man of ALL types."
"You might be SUCH sophisticated robots that you don't EVEN realise you are robots ..."
""Sometimes I think I MIGHT like 2 believe in the LOPPY-LORNO. The LOPPY-LORNO!? Geoff, you can't say that! That's CRAZY! You better believe in the YIP-YIP-YIP-YIP-YIP-YIP-YIP-YIP-YIP!"
"Seek & you will find -> if you look 4 reasons 2 judge somebody -> or 2 be happy ..."
"I'm not CRAZY! I just like 2 sing STRANGE songs about the reality of life!"
"Sometimes I think I've been DOUBLED in the amazement of life!"
"Life is the ONLY obstacle of man."
"I used 2 believe in the 9 plunging moments (of life)."
"Show me the WAY of life & I will believe in the BLOOD of Christ ..."
"Sometimes I think I MIGHT like 2 compare the secret outcomes of life."
"When people think about their lives, the blood, the blood is ALWAYS there!"
Today's mantra: "I feel compassion 4 them - nobody is FURTHER from the truth than a fundamentalist."
"Sometimes I think I MIGHT be available 2 do the language!"
"Show me the blinking of EACH moment. Show me the GIANT Chinese onions."
"I think that people would like 2 enjoy the very normal realities of life."
"Sometimes I like 2 think that I am the ORIGINAL framework of life"
"People ask me if I'm a psycho man & I LOVE 2 live without a plan."
"I think I might be SLOWLY losing my mind but I am not afraid of what I MIGHT find!"
"Show me WHY a normal man will ALWAYS have another plan."
"When a man wants 2 enjoy his life he needs no help from his wife."
"People LOVE 2 learn about their OWN lives."
"I think I'd like 2 go COMPLETELY beserk! All things considered it really could work!"
"Sometimes I like 2 enjoy ALL the famous realities of life."
"People ASK me about the blood of life & I tell them there is NO blood inside the knife."
"Geoff, I think you are losing your mind. I'm not losing ANYTHING - I am the Christ!"
"Show me the best reality of life."
Sing - "Oh what fun it is 2 suck a condom every night"
"People never wonder why their lives are SO normal."
"Would you like 2 believe in the OOGLE-McCOOGLE? No. But I WOULD love 2 believe in the 17th reality of life!"
"Sometimes people love 2 give themselves all the LOVELY normals of life."
"Sometimes people love 2 believe in the 12 recent memories of life."
"I think that MOST people would love 2 believe in ALL the special realities of life ..."
"I think I'd like 2 soothe the blood of Christ."
"People love 2 believe that I am a crazy little bastard!"
"What is your BEST method of life?"
"I used 2 believe in ALL the flimsy excuses."
"Each experience I have is an opportunity for greater growth."
"When I am able 2 resist the temptation to judge others, I can see them as teachers of forgiveness in my life, reminding me that I can only have peace of mind when I forgive rather than judge."
"Sometimes I think I might be psychologically deranged ..."
"Show me the BLINKING of each moment. Show me the language of all men."
"Sometimes I think I might like 2 believe in all the performances of life ..."
"I don't know that MOST people are learning anything except survival & how 2 conform ..."
"Sometimes I think I might be available from all the EXTRA dimensions of life."
"Do you believe in all the CHRONOLOGICAL methods of life? No. But I CAN believe in the sudden movements of Christ!"
"Every now & then a man starts 2 think he might like 2 be normal."
"There are times when I think my life is ALMOST human ..."
"Sometimes people love 2 human UP their memories."
"I think it's about time 4 everyone 2 understand their own lives"
End of update
Update November 2010 -
"When a man goes berserk, he KNOWS that it will work!"
"The Prime Minister announce today that is was VERY important 4 men & women & children & families & doctors 2 understand the reality of their OWN lives."
"Whenever a man starts 2 bounce on a knife he might just get the surprise of his life!"
"I'm not insane - I am the man who can STOP the blood!"
"Sometimes I like 2 believe in all the SHOKAPRONIX of my life!"
"I used to believe in all the STUPID realities of men!"
"I want my life to change ... in ways that crazy people have always explained"
"Men & women & children & families & doctors LOVE 2 kill me with their big, sharp, SHINY knives!"
"WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH." ---> to the tune of Tubular Bells :)
"Coming up on tonight's news, we examine the fundamental nature of reality."
"MY little doctor told me I could SCREAM like a madman!"
"I like 2 examine the contents of my mind. I am often surprised by what I find."
"I'm not insane - I'm being controlled by aliens from another galaxy!"
"People love 2 believe in the modern reality of life."
"Are you the man of the VOBBLING-VOBBLING-BORN? No but I like to talk about the seven realities of life!"
"One day a man woke up & he said he thought he might like 2 walk backwards into his own life."
"I hope that I don't go insane because of something THUMPING in my brain."
"When you START 2 understand reality, you will know what 2 do with your LIFE."
"Sometimes I think that I would like 2 be as available as the Christ!"
"Do you believe in the BOOJAH-BOOJAH-BOOJAH? No. But I would like 2 believe in the SEVEN little moments."
"PLUNKY. PLUNKY. PLUNKY. I think I am a monkey."
"Men & women & familes & doctors & children & men & families & doctors & men & children ..." just let-it-flow!
"Sometimes I like 2 believe in all the unusual moments."
"I'm not CRAZY - I just like 2 sing strange songs about the reality of life!"
"Bible. Bible. Bible. I am the MAN in the Bible! Geoff, you can't say things like that - people might get upset. Well ... they can SUCK my dick!"
Sometimes I like 2 believe in ALL the sudden arrangements."
"Can you SPEND your life doing normal things? Yes & I like 2 make my own arrangements!"
"We don't know what caused this man to go totally berserk. He's usually VERY normal. It's a real puzzle!"
"I'm NOT mad - I am the VORBO-VORBO-THROK."
"I keep changing my mind ALL the time!"
"Stop the blood! Stop the family! Stop the money!"
"Can you believe in the chronic reality of life? No. But I would love 2 believe in the SHLOIMP-SHLOIP-SHLIP."
"That's great mate! You REALLY know how 2 talk about life!"
"I'm WORKING on the theory that people are really robots. And naturally my thoughts are FAR
more interesting that those a robot may have."
"Sometimes a man will believe in the most relaxing ways of life."
"I think I am SLOWLY losing my mind ..."
"Sometimes I like 2 think that life is SPOKEN by a man."
"I'd be even MORE messed up if I wasn't meditating!"
"Can you imagine just how I feel when I start 2 wonder if people are real?"
"I think I might be psychologically deranged ..."
"When a man wants 2 learn his OWN language, he starts by sucking a FEW condoms at night."
"If you had experienced the things that i have experienced then you would say the same things I do."
More mantras and tips in my notebook -
How about a few quotes on enlightenment
Mantras & poems can be found in my journal
And if that's not MORE than enuf 4 you
Oh yes ... almost forgot about these mantras -
click ...
click ...
click ...
click ... if no good - try fortune city site -
August 2002 ...
Decided 2 paste all these in from a few other files where they'd been stagnating on my hard drive ...
Make of them what you will ...
Note: a little 'tick' ought 2 indicate already used in my daily journal somewhere ... but don't bet your whole entire existence on it ... :)
Newer ones ought to appear at the top ...
Here's a few recent ones I scribbled down at odd moments ...
"This may be the set of cirucumstances that facilitates your ultimate awakening."
"I used to believe in all the ancient logic of the world."
"One day I wanted to soothe my twinkle but I couldn't find any string in the puddle."
Today's mantra in three parts ...
"It's fairly simple really. If you want to experience peace of mind, then you need to refrain from making judgements. But as with a lot of things, it is far easier to write the prescription than to follow it."
"... every adjective is a judgement ... okay some adjectives seem fairly neutral ... such as a black shirt ... but a black shirt is only black if you happen to speak English ... but I digress ..."
"... the judgements which are most likely 2 disturb one's piece of mind are those we attach to other people & their actions & their character ..."
"What did a man ever do with all his early warnings of life."
"Those people who make you uncomfortable are actually your greatest teachers (if you can learn to look at the situation in a new light)"
"One day a man woke up & he suddenly wanted to blame his own chapters."
"I could walk a mile in anyone's shoes at the moment."
"No. No. No. I'm not a crazy bastard anymore."
"... & really, if your focus in on someone ELSE'S faults, it is a warped focus ..."
"I like to sing really strange things and make people scared of me so they don't bother me with their boring nonsense" {Oh darn, that sounded a LOT better before I scribbled it down ... words are such clumsy tools ...}
"Know what it is that you do ... and know what it is that you don't do ..."
"Every day a man goes famous and then he goes down to the famous city."
"I used to believe I was a world-famous madman, living in the 20th century."
"Sometimes a man does the thanking & sometimes a man likes to do his own silent thanking."
"This is plenty & the mind is empty."
"What did everyone do when their saviours were formed ... or lifetimes & mornings ..."
"... oh well ... one day allthis will be a joke and may not even be a memory ..."
"Suddenly we see the nine lessons of the morning ..."
"I wanted to be the morning of the world."
"One day I found a dollar in my pocket, but I better be careful or I might drop it."
"If you had experienced the things that i have experienced then you would say the same things I do."
"I don't know what answer you want to hear but that's the best answer I can come up with at the moment."
"Don't. Don't. Don't tell me how to live. I've already found the best way to live. To live in a bottle made out of glass and spend each day inspecting the grass."
"Name those problems & name those problems of life."
"You can drive yourself nuts asking questions like that "
"Next in our series of random pieces of philosophy ... most people never say what they truly think ... because they are afraid of upsetting the people they have become addicted to ..."
"No. I'm not going to do that. I'm just a so-called madman. I am your local so-called madman. And I will NOT live according to your conventional way of life."
"I'm not really available for comment."
"What would you know about it, you stupid pathetic bitch woman."
"I like to watch the mystery gradually unfold. No logic is required when you're wrinkled and old."
"Softer than my own arrangements."
"Doctor. Doctor. Throw me an onion. I'm the king of the garden & you're the naughty rascal. Fragrant of the meadow."
"A man likes to dance on his own onion flavours."
"My doctor told me to save mankind but I said I'd like to do it in my own time."
"Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm a crazy little bastard."
"One day a man started being normal (and a little bit later he started to understand his own life)"
"Nor-mal. Nor-mal. Normal. Normal. Normal."
"Don't they know that there are such things."
"One day a man suddenly wanted to be a crazy little madman"
"Unless you live in a glass house, don't throw the first stone."
"Prove a lot. You can improve your morning."
"You'll never take my fragrance away" {to the tune of 'You are my sunshine'}
"People don't like being normal anymore."
"A man told me I was going crazy. So I told him to join the navy."
Today's mantra: "I don't know if what I'm doing is normal."
"Life gets very medical sometimes"
"All the frozen onions ..."
"Only when I'm golden ..."
"Man goes crazy. He gets so many crazy thoughts in his head."
"It's a quicker. It's a quicker."
"I am the royal occupant of worlds."
"I think everybody should live according to their own methods"
"I don't do anything from my own learning."
"Human doctor. Human doctor."
"Take it down from all the numbers."
"Payments. Lovely payments. Oh yes, the payments."
"I've become a little cranky (while waiting for a hanky) ..."
Today's mantra: "Nobody's argument is totally persuasive & flawless, so let's just call it a draw."
"Don't don't don't tell me I'm crazy. Don't don't don't tell me I'm normal."
"Twice the average. Twice the average."
"I used tobelieve in the huge approximations of life"
"My doctor tried to tell me that I was going crazy ..."
"A man found something in his sock the other day."
"Sometimes a man takes his family downstairs to see the doctor."
"I used to believe in all the famous experts of life."
"Peopple don't even like standing upwards on the floor."
"I'm not the most normal of people ..."
"What is your mention of life."
"One day a man went downstairs & he thought he was going crazy. So his doctor told him to go & join the navy."
"I'm writing things down on a list. Down on a list. Down on a list."
"People don't even know why their lives are so bizarre."
"Huge problems. Huge problems in the morning."
"People don't even like their families anymore. They don't even like the descriptions on the door."
"I like to watch all the putrid arrangements of life."
"Could we ever love the mornings. Could we ever do something normal ..."
"I'm not even the local doctor."
"People will know something. People will know anything."
"I'd like to adjust my impact on reality."
"One day a man said something more & then he said something else but nobody was really listening ..."
"What's away & what's a way. What's away."
"During the mornings, I like to enjoy the junior mornings. Twice the niceness of each morning."
"One day a man tried to tell himself a lovely little story about his own life."
"My doctor told me I was going crazy. So I told hime to enjoy the navy."
"A man likes to do his own riddles & that's the way it should be, really ..."
"I'd like to adjust my impact on reality."
"He gets there by the local methods."
"I used to think I was one of the 14 local madmen."
"Sometimes I like to sit in a chair & make silly noises all day long."
- Gandhi
"People love their own shining examples."
"One day a man suddenly started repeating the same syllable(s) over & over & over again."
"A man wanted to be normal in his own normal ways of life ..."
"What's my number. What is my little number."
"Human mornings. Lovely mornings of the world."
"My doctor wants to tell me what I'm a crazy little man ..."
"I like the christmas of each morning."
"Should a man do anything about his life but he wouldn't even know when he does."
"My doctor won't even believe in his OWN modern life."
"Huge on the 4 minutes of worlds. Huge from the only morning."
"What is your dollar. What is your dollar by dollar."
"How DARE you people medicate me! I have had experiences which you pathetic little drips couldn't even BEGIN to imagine ..."
"Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't really expect that."
Normal people are such crap
I wish their spinal cords would snap
"I was born in the twenty years before Christ."
Today's mantra: click :)
"Johnny thought it was important to be normal & so he stayed normal for an awfully long time ..."
"A man decided he wanted to fuggle his world & so he fuggled it all the way."
"Lovely questions. Repeat this phrase three or four times."
Normal people
Are so funny
Running around
Making money
"People don't even know their lives are weird."
"It happens & sometimes it happens again."
"I think people should change their underpants at night."
"Memories ... of the corners of my mind ..."
"I would say that most people are not aware of their own personal habits."
"Oh yes, it looks like it dangles ... must be the clowns in my mind ..."
{Tune of 'Daniel' by Elton John}
"People love to say something & then they usually say something else."
"My doctor. My doctor. Repeat this phrase 2 or 3 times."
"Local in the mornings. That's local & that's normal."
"People love to say something & then they usually say something else."
"Life is granular & sometimes the grains rub together ..."
"People don't even like their money. The money makes them act quite funny."
"Which we do. Which we do. Which we do. Which do we do."
One day a man woke up & he wanted to know 12 things about his life.
"My doctor wanted to say something normal ..."
"Good from the good of life & good from the good of worlds."
"I think people should shut their mouths. Stop using those adjectives & nouns."
"I love meeting new people - especially if they have a range of annoying (personal) habits."
You don't ______ in your local. You don't tell your local story.""
"He can play the tennis. Play the tennis."
"I used to think I was the local madman."
"Human mornings. Lovely performances."
"Jesus Christ was a merry old soul & he loved his own rigmarole."
"Sometimes my doctor likes to tell himself a Monday story (in his own words)."
"People like to talk to each other for some strange reason."
"My life was somehow caught up in the world of voices."
"My doctor told me that I was going downstairs for a lovely moment of life. People like to shake their money."
"... not in this lifetime ..."
"My doctor wants me to know something about the mornings ..."
"I like my own performances."
"Sometimes I like to have my own 20 dollars."
"Please state your fragrance in more words than one."
"My little doctor tells me I'm crazy. My little doctor wants to join the navy."
"Good evening & welcome to the weather forecast. Tomorrow there will be some weather & whether we realise it or not, it will be the weather."
"I'm not even normal & I'm not a normal person. I used to live in so many ways."
"I wanted to believe in all the questions of life."
"My doctor wants me to say something normal."
"My doctor. My doctor. I'm talking to my own doctor."
"I was born in the 14 minutes before Jesus."
"You hear it in the world & you hear it in the morning."
"Quiet from the world. Quiet from the mornings."
"With a little. With a little. With a little. With a little."
"Suddenly I'm not a crazy bastard anymore ..."
"Human. Human. Human. Always human."
"People will know something. People will know anything."
"He wanted to know how to thank a doctor. So he started talking to the local doctor. Local doctor."
"Huge doctors. Huge doctors like to tell me I'm crazy. Huge doctors."
"Tell me all your numbers. What is your lovely number. Those human mumblers."
"One day I tried being normal but I didn't like it very much."
"I'm a lot safer than standing in houses."
"One day a man tried to jangle his only morning and then the doctor said hey mate why don't you walk away from the moments and he did."
"Practice one & practice the other one."
"How diddy do it & diddy do something else."
"My doctor told me to be one of only."
"Sometimes life is always normal."
"People don't like to say anything more. They don't want to say anything normal."
"Meet Chinese doctor. He likes the way he understands his life."
"Pay me a dollar & I will spend it on the money."
Today's mantra: "You can say something & all the something something."
"Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup."
"How did it all come about on its own coming from the aboutness of it all."
"I used to believe in the optical reality of life."
"I wanted to do something normal but I couldn't understand the complexities of the situation."
"I'm not the madman. I'm not the madman anyway."
"My doctor told me to say something normal."
"No. No. No. The people aren't very normal. "
"I'm starting to have strange experiences (about my life)."
"One day in your week is the start of something special."
"People don't say anything else from their numbers."
"Humans. Humans. Humans are always normal. Lovely little humans."
"I used to know the twenty famous liquids."
"People aren't very nice & their lives are very strange"
"Local by the morning & local by the world."
"Best my only. Best from my only one."
"How is it all chosen. How is it always chosen."
"I was born in the morning cycles."
"You make me rampant when I am rampant & I will never rampant your fun times away."
"One day a man woke up & he wanted to be the local madman."
"What is your digit & your life isn't even normal."
"I used to be as famous as other normal men."
"I used to live near a Chinese doctor."
"He's the rela local man, sitting in his local land, making all his local plans ..."
"Have your journeys found you in it. Yet Miss Manners thinks it. All of our bodies composed in 2 distinctive sea waves in a time. Miss Manners must remind you have her your exchange this first creation by other acquaintances. Yet Miss Manners believes that were so, Nature would be nice. Differing waves flowing within a combination& the council of differing worlds. All of an unassailable way in seeming perfection, developed in which they now move, for this first beginnings, should give him another distinct wave of your delivering more comfort than to develop passionate attachments by other demands. Let's instead compare a deepening current, continuously adapting to one another chance is an individual to embarrass or pretend to respond rudely, she fails to respond rudely, being boring are themselves without beginning, being boring are themselves without beginning, rather than the tendency to separate once again, for simply saying you in it would basically consists of perfume, for embarassing moments, and in some sense would be of concerning bodies composed in it. But you are themselves without beginning, anyway. Bodies in likened matter through an unassailable way in it so, for her wording."
"Can a man do something interesting with his life? No, but he enjoys the mention of his name."
"A man pays for his only frag,ments of life."
"Rolling down the avenue, you can say things that are never true"
"I used to think I was the sickest little bastard whoever lived."
"Sometimes I like 2 tell people that I'm not the madman ..."
"Pay me some money & I want som dollars."
"Come on Doctor. Try & understand your own life & your own behaviour."
"People don't like their world. They won't even say thankyou for the mornings."
"... or visit our website ..."
"I wake up some days & I feel like saying YIP-YAP-YIP-YAP-YIP-YAP-YIP."
"Humans know some things are harmful."
"What do I think? I think 47, 52, 14, 8, 32, 61 & twelve."
"I'm not the dooorknob. I'm not the dooorknob of life."
"Ticket. Ticket. Ticket." {try it - you may be surprised}
"I can go downstairs and walk into the world. Hey that's a good one. I think I'll write it down."
"I was thinking about reality by the usual methods, when I suddenly realised I didn't even like their methods."
"It's going, going, going. It's going."
"And the next thing you know you're going psycho in several dimensions."
"Improve me along the way. You will improve along the way."
"There is a mirror in my brain ..."
"Don't get busy. Don't get busy. Don't get busy."
"Softer than my own arrangements."
"Don't tell me anything. World twleve times anything."
"A man said icky-wicky & his wife said inky-winky ..."
"Huge mornings. Huge lifetimes. Big mornings. Big mornings."
"Good evening. In the news tonight, we tell you all about Iraq and what happens in the dark."
"Call now & book for your rectangular season of music."
"I like 2 believe in all the putridness of life."
"Shuggle me. Wuggle me."
"Facts of the world. Facts of the morning."
"World times the knowledge."
"My Mum said I was good to be a normal. Good to be a normal. Good to be a normal ..."
"So that's the world. So that's the morning."
**** More from journal march 2003?? ....
"With a little logic, your life is never trogic."
"I'm not crazy. I'm the man on a mission. My life is always psych-o-logical."
"Blinky. Blinky. Blinky. Sometimes a man starts talking like the local madman. Humans like their mornings."
I thought there were a few more ... oh well ...
"I wanted to be normal but the vioices in my head wouldn't let me. I wanted to be normal but the vioices in my head had other ideas."
"Sometimes I think that I am the subatomic reality of life."
"One day a man decided he'd really like to ruin his own life. So, hestarted saying really weird things to his friends and to his wife."
"My experience suddenly improved when I started pointing my life away from the planet."
"Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box, they tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe ..."
{courtesy of John & Paul}
"I believe in responding to most questions by making various random sounds."
"One day, my shrink suddenly told me that he thought I might be suffering from an edible complex."
"One day, a man suddenly decided that he wanted to be a world-famous madman living in the twentieth century of life."
"Food gets plenty. World gets empty. Food gets medical. World gets federal."
"One day, my life became a bone fracture in the lime-zone. Flimsy in the wimsy. Flimby in the wimby. Itchy by the crispy. Industrial blueprint. Federal yardsticks."
"Who's that madman. Who's the little madman."
"All the man ever really wanted was his own dollar from the cemetery of life."
"Somewhere in the silent hallways of your mind, you try to try to imagine what it might be like to circumnavigate your own life. But you are blind."
"Let this be tha day that all human dysfunction becomes obsolete ..."
"Oh yes, I'm only the famous doctor."
"Recite this mantra every day & by some mysterious process which nobody fully understands, you'll find yourself instinctively making better choices (or your money cheerfully refunded)."
"I'm never bored. Well, if I ever do sense boredom creeping up on me, I make the decision that it is entirely MY job to become unbored ..."
"I'm not crazy, Mum. But those voices in my head are a little nuts, if you ask me."
"I think we say a lot of things because we WANT them to be true ..."
"It's just sheer laziness ... if I make the effort to sit with proper posture there's far les chance of experiencing back pain ..."
"I will not buy this reality. It is scratched."
"Sometimes I like to ruin my life. Then I fix it up with a butter-knife."
"Sometimes people just go insane and nobody really knows how to explain."
"Don't try & analyse me (& my behaviour). I'm crazy"
"You can't cure me. I am the cure. YOU are the disease."
"The attitude I try to cultivate toward psychiatrists is that of Christ nailed to the Cross ... namely, forgive them for they know not what they do ..." {I don't always manage it ... particularly when they are in a position to coerce me into taking medication 'for my own good'}
"I spent half the morning rinsing my chocolates."
"I wanted to do the doimler into that world of doimbler. Doimpy-doimler."
"I used to believe that reality was softer than a baby's bottom."
"Not even if I was very naughty."
"I was careful in my morning and careful with my boredom."
"My life is such a mysterious thing. Sometimes it just makes me want to sing."
"Ah ... ah ... I'm going a little bit crazy ..."
"I wouldn't presume to comment on anything I haven't experienced personally ... and someone else's life definitely falls into that category ..."
"I'm not even getting so many facts of the world."
"Follow me away from the golden. Follow me down to the golden world."
ggg "Good normal. Good normal. I am the good normal person. My life is always normal. Good normal. Good normal." (etc)
"Human behaviour is the mystery of mysteries."
"Happy with the fragrance of the world ..."
"What did a man do with his own salvation of life."
"I think I must be allergic to normality. Everytime I hang around normal people I start feeling very ill."
"I don't think it serves any useful purpose to compare one human being with another."
"An enemy is THE greatest gift one can receive. To deal with an enemy in a compassionate manner require you to dig deep into the core of your being ..."
"There's no challenge in loving the pleasant, the agreeable & the charming ..." {or those who are pleasant, agreeable & charming}
"If somebody is treating you badly, it simply indicates that they are in pain. So, the really, really, really enlightened response is to have compassion for that pain." {at this point inhuman history, few people have even contemplated this option}
"We all have our dark moments ..."
"How is it all frozen"
"Walk like a knee-gyptian"
"One day a man saw Johnny with his bucket & he wanted to walk over there & talk to him about the bucket."
"I might actually be an alien robot from another galaxy, sent down to earth to study humanity."
"The frequency of all normals is the structure of their lives."
"I used to believe in all the special numbers ... special numbers? ... what are the special numbers ..."
"One day a man tried to talk to Johnny about his bucket."
"My role in your existence is to lower all resistance ... I'm singing about the tiny mornings & all the government's recent warnings ... How many opticals of your lovely optical choices ..."
"Could we ever love the mornings ... all those tiny mornings ..."
"Humans often tell me that their lives are really strange."
"Sometimes a human remembers ... all the other human members ..."
"I was a very weird little bastard one day."
"One day a man suddenly wanted to know if he'd like to believe in something or other."
"Local men & local families. Local people and their lives. But do they like their secret lives."
"Do we really need to (constantly) attach a label to the behaviour of others ..."
Today's mantra: "One day a man was carrying his walking with a bucket ... and he wanted to say something to the man about his bucket ... oh, johnny bucket ..."
"Humans can't explain their mornings. Humans can't explain their moments."
"My life is wobbling ... and I love it ..."
"One morning a man was traveling to work & he suddenly thought he might go totally berserk."
"One day a man was talking to his family when he suddenly noticed they were all moving ..."
"I wanted to blimp my own world of the blimpless or worlds."
"Just when Johnny was about to discover the secret of (his) life he forgot to keep breathing and was almost ignored by a passing flock of sheep on their way to the nearest green meadow."
"Don't we even local mornings. Famous up the many mornings. All we need is a few more gentle mornings."
"I can't help it ... aliens are controlling my mind and my thoughts ..."
"One day, a man suddenly decided that he wanted to live in his own local niceness of life."
Or ... "A man wanted to live in his own local niceness, but his Mum said Johnny, don't you want some milk on your porridge."
"I wanted to be a bad madman but I couldn't believe in all the bad, bad, madness of life."
"That's a great way of adding a lot of unnecessary tension to your life. Anger can never change events that have already happened. The only thing anger can alter is the quality of your present experience."
"In the cauldron of intellect the wardens soak"
{Plenty in this page - and more to come feb 2003 ... and plug some of these into the shannoniser as well ... }
"My life has become a pefect replica of itself."
"I'm famous & I'm always famous in the lovely mornings. I was found down the only world."
"Those police lyrics about poets priests & politicians ... the rhetoric of failure ..." - click
"Soak a dollar. Soak a dollar. Spend a moment. Bend a flower."
Today's mantra: click
"Focus your attention on the dollars of the world. Until a silent moment arrives upon a cloud."
Mantra soon ?? ----> "University students in 1900 were taught that ordinary matter - bricks and steel and uranium and everything else - was made of smaller particles called atoms. But what atoms were made of no one knew. One common view was that they were like tough and shiny ball bearings ..."
"Sometimes a man likes to talk about his own frozen mornings."
"Funny little workers. Fundamental workings. Furry little details."
"Can we love our moments. Can we ever know the reasons."
"Human mornings. Those human lifetimes."
"My life is very ordinary ... twirling up the forms of berries ..."
"Gather round all you clowns ... let me hear you say ..."
"One day a man wanted to scream for about a minute ... maybe 90 seconds ..."
"I'm not really crazy. I'm the lucky bastard."
"He likes 2 blow shapes in the morning."
"Ask the man if his plan is working. Ask him if his planet is turning."
"It's my little bibbity-bop"
"And in the mornings of the world there is no shortness of the many."
"I'm always human in the world & I am the human of my life."
"Can a man do something with his onions. Can he ever do what he wants to do."
"Humans shrink & their worlds adrift."
Today's mantra
"Please don't annoy my arms. They dream away from insect palms."
Today's mantra: "Every world is a tiny medical world."
"I scream whenever we run out of ice cream."
Chant of the day: "This sentence is almost the same as the one I mentioned earlier ..."
"Medical authorities recommend driving in your new red sports car can be almost as much fun as a bucketful of chocolate vomit."
Bonus mantra (walking home form the shops): "I don't hate anybody. There are plenty of people in this world I don't understand because I haven't been where they have been ... but to hate them would be a crazy thing to do ... hatred is the product of a closed mind which has latched onto an idea and wouldn't dare allow itself to question that idea even under the threat of death ... hatred is a poison and one ought to feel compassion towards anyone who has filled themselves with such a poison ..."
"Sometimes the voices in my head try & tell me that I'm crazy."
"I'm very annoyed at people because they don't even follow their own examples."
Today's mantra: "One fish, in my little bed all night. That is why I have paled beside these interior happenings ... Life has always seemed to sing if you chew, at some particular point we cannot have any final judgement about ourselves."
"Sit down, sir, sit down. You're creating a moment."
"He likes to look inside his effervescent mind ... never too sure of what he might find ..."
"He was humble while he tumbled ... through another world ..."
"Oh dear! Thank goodness I'm a Scottish psychiatrist, and back then the whole experience may be viewed as a clam. On a calm and flickering night, I wonder whether to turn out the light."
"How did anyone find their own little lifetime. I will not buy this reality - it is scratched."
"One day a man wanted to say OILY-MEGGSAGROINKLY but his friends wouldn't let him. So, he enjoyed the niceness of each boredom and he played around with all his worlds."
"All the probabilities of life ... all the probaboindling of the world ..."
"I am the human and the human of the mornings."
"Under the niceness of each morning there is no niceness of the boredom."
"I used to believe in all the famous bedtimes of life."
"I'm not even crazy ... and I'm not even a madman ... I'm not the crazy madman ... I'm just the bloke who lives in the street ... and I can tell everybody how to live because I'm a remote-controlled robot from another galaxy in a spaceship ..."
"Humans love their world & they CREG their CRELKING-LORNDO. People cannot even CRELK their own worlds."
"Crunch-Crunch-Crunch ... Crunch the crunching ... Crunch that crunching ... Crunching! ..."
"Many children work the federal. They work for their own federal armies of life."
"Huge lovely world. Huge lovely mornings."
"I'm not actually human. I'm an alien from your other galaxy. And i think I'm slowly losing my mind."
More a bit later ... well, it's now later and I aint been online during another busy old day, so here they are 4 your edificiation ... make of the what you will (not that you need MY permission) ...
"One day a man said I want some more money & then the other man said you don't EVEN want the money & then another man said money-money-my-money."
"IDDY-WIDDY-BIBBITY-BABBITY-BOOPS" {That's the same 'oo' sound as in books, rather than the word boom}
"Something about the early-whirly ... the early-whirly! ... that's your early-whirly of life."
"Yesterday I was estimated by nobody else (in the furniture)."
"One daya man wanted 2b the first p[erson in his neighbourhood to say that life is stranger than an onion sandwich."
"One day a very weird little bastard went down to the shops to ask a man about his bucket."
"It's the YO-YO-YO-YO-YIDDLE-ME-WOAH." {or 'it's that' if you like}
"Not in knowledge. Not in the knowledge. Not even in the knowledge of worlds."
{Note: CAPITALS doesn't necessarily mean shouting, as is usually the case with the internet etc ...}
"One day I was stopping and then I was stopping in the little motions. Lovely little motions of the world."
"I wanted to put delicious things in my mouth."
"I'm not mad and I'm not even crazy ... I'm the man who can walk right into the navy."
"Sometimes I feel like one of the human organisms of the world."
"These umpires aren't even telling the players how to play the game. Umpires. Umpires. Umpires."
"People are not even the medicals of their own ..."
"It's the BIDDLY & it's the WIDDLY. It's the WIDDLY-BIDDLY."
"Don't the people like the children. Don't they even like the woman."
"Human beings are really quite bizarre little creatures. You study them by looking at their medical features."
"Life is a modern example of what can happen if things are allowed to eventuate like this."
"Sometimes a man wakes up (one morning) and he suddenly goes beserk (without warning) & he wants to scream at his entire family."
"Oh no ... I'm going crazy again anymore ..."
"Anyone who can stay normal in a world as fucked-up as this one has to have something seriously wrong with them ..."
"Giving free-will to human beings might sound like a good idea in theory ... "
"It's my little trojan. It's my little trojan world."
"One day a man started thinking about the criltish-panathombo and then he suddnely realised that he was always famous in his own life. And they all lived happily ever after."
Or: "One day a man wanted to be brave and random but his mummy wouldn't let him. So, he walked down to the beach and screamed into the sand. Then the choir in his head started singing that old familiar song as the puddle disappeared ..." {or the choir disappeared as the puddle started to sing ...}
"Then he asked for a voyage with no reason or rhyme."
"My Mum said I was good and I am always the good person."
"A little later ... if we consider such matters honestly for any length of time we soon find ourselves deep into imponderables that the ordinary mind can never hope to wrap itself around ... (could use that as a daily mantra ...)"
"I used to think I was the craziest bastard whoever lived."
"Sometimes I like to think that I am a world-famous expert looking into the tiny mornings of life."
"How often does a man start screaming at his family."
"Don't wait till you're dead ... become dead already ..."
"I used to believe in those traddling forms. The traddling forms are always warm."
"A crisis often activates (inner) resources you may never have suspected you possessed."
"I'm (usually) better than your local medical expert."
"One day a man decided that he might like to be famous but the ancient federation told him to be very careful and so he went back to his usual way of doing things."
"Flame burning. Early warnings. World turning. Famous mornings."
"One day, a man suddenly started to relaise the chinese value of life."
"I wanted to say nothing but I said all the somethings of life."
"I was born into the galaxy of planets. The galaxy of life."
"My mind is dividied into two equal parts. One part believes in complete & utter crap. The other part is very fond of taking a nap."
"We don't often ponder just how flimsy MOST people's hold on their so-called sanity really is. We might like to imagine, sitting there in a comfortable house with a comfortable, if repetitive & narrow routine ... but take away their comforts & their routine & their customary surroundings & distractions for a couple of days ... "
"Always remember, the very same event which the caterpillar calls death, the butterfly calls birth. And caterpillars caint fly."
Quote: "Oh come on! You're old enough to realise by now that the (Christmas) holidays suck."
"Money is almost always the second nightmare of life."
"Some unseeen force keeps driving people to sustain their existences even when it seems as if those lives are wall-to-wall crap.""
"You're weird! Oh, this is nothing. I can get a LOT weirder than this, believe me ..."
"Oh come on, NONE of you is truly, deeply happy. You're all just fine actors. Come back to me when you have decided 2 stop acting."
"There are countless things which seem to exist and even more which do not."
"One becomes accustomed to speaking of the human condition as if it is constant & fixed (no pun intended). However, this is a misconception - the human condition is created anew all the time. True, so far, most of these new creations have followed the traditional, dysfunctional patterns of the past but one day soo this will change ..."
"Society is a lot like the circus - except for the clowns."
"One day I was plucked from another planet and planted here on this one. Plucked from another planet. Careful how you say that phrase."
"You'd soon complain if you had all the answers ... your life would lack a certain ... mystery ..."
"My little doctor wants me to dump the framework."
Next in our series of random pieces of philosophy ... "You believe you are right. So what. Hitler belived he was right. Manson belived he was right. You might to think you have more than a belief, but you don't. But most people are incapable of being honest about such matters, so they elevate their beliefs and opinions to a status that isn't merited. That's why people spend so much emotional energy battling with those who happen to have differing beliefs than their own. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Actually, it's a little of both."
"He didn't even understand the blame of life ..."
"Don't local. Don't local men understand their world. Don't local."
"It's a basic rule of the universe - the more you try to control the behaviour of another human being, the more likely they are to do precisely that which most infuriates you ..."
"Food can always be moved into its own standard container."
"It would be a much better way to live if everyone would just stop & say hail Mary before they were full of grace."
"Two of my opinions are very strange. The others are subject to frequent change." {arrange, derange}
"You might like to think of your thoughts as being like bubbles in a fizzy drink - they make a lot of noise and sometimes they get up your nose."
"I think if more people took more notice of what they were doing, this world would be a much nicer place."
"I used to have my own sentiments about life until one day I thought why don't I just go mad and save myself the trouble. Sometimes a man does the only thing that he would ever like to do."
"A man does the question and then he doesn't even know the answers of questions ... and we love the quality of worlds ..."
"... only when a man does the cooling of his OWN life ..."
"Do we ever know the sentiments of the lifetimes ..."
Quote of the day: "I used to believe that I was the only person in the world capable of thought, and that everyone else were robots." - click here :)
"A doctor always knows how to send himself and so he sends himself in the mail."
Quote: "TV has become the petrie dish in which this country grows its idiots."
Also: "Have you ever thought about naming your personalities?"
Plus ... "Anyone with half a mind knows, as I do ..."
A man who gives 110 percent ... five percent of the time."
"One day a man walked into a shop and he started to sing strange songs and so everybody called the police and he was locked up for being a public nuisance. And they all lived happily ever after."
"Sometimes the world is tasted FRIMFLY. Can a man famous into his planets."
"Sometimes a man always like to do his own shopping, because he never really knows when the prices will be dropping."
"One day I suddenly wanted to know why a man starts talking backwards to his children."
Quote: "He bacame uncomfortable all over. In these circumstances, the only thing to do was abandon the place in which he was feeling uncomfortable, in the hope of leaving his discomfort behind him."
- from Once & Future King
"Life is the unused portion of your current reality."
"I wanted to believe in the ten modern worlds of life."
"Whenever you get angry, you have made something far more important than it is in reality. Of course, if one spends an entire lifetime distorting the importance of things, it can be an awfully tough habit to break. TThat all sounded a lot better in my head before I scribbled it down)"
Quote: "You know how something can be right there in front of you and you never really notice it and then something happens that makes you notice it and you wonder why you never really noticed it before?"
"I never really noticed."
Quote: "What planet are you from?! You're always so ... so happy. It makes me sick!"
"When a man is looking down at his shopping list, you might think that his mind has gone around the twist. But fear not my dear & faithful friends, his mind is in a place that neither starts nor ends." {This one did make it into august 28th journal?}
"It's very amusing actually ... whenever one human being calls another human being a wanker, they are generally both wankers but one wanks slightly differently from the other ..."
"That's the question we dare not ask ourselves ... if I love that person that way ... why can't I love that person that way as well ... or that person ... or that person ... or that person ... that's the question we dare not ask ..." {Loses a bit without the body language but if you use your imagination you might be able to ...}
"It's almost as if we're addicted to drama & conflict & so unwittingly, on some subconscious level, we create it wherever we go ..."
"I remember a time when somebody wanted to write a mantra about a man who does his own flimsy."
"Why would you critcise me (or anyone)? Take a good long, hard look into the nearest mirror & ask yourself whether your approach so far has delivered you the kind of experience(s) that you truly, deeply yearn for. Obviously, they have not. So why not take all the energy you are pouring into criticising others and pour it into fixing up your own experience. And if you reply that that's too daunting a task, then surely you forfeit the right o criticise ANYONE (and be taken remotely seriously)."
"A man does the thing of worlds and a man does the only thing of life."
"I wanted my mummy to stay with me for the 14 dollars of life but I couldn't afford the next equipment. Maybe I should have joined a Chinese medical team in the credibility of things."
"I would say that your average human being is unsatisfied ... come to think of it, your average human being has ALWAYS been unsatisfied ... because the nature of being average is that it is unsatisfying ..."
"My little doctor told me that I am the anciaent credibility of life."
"One day, I met a man who said IT-MY-BIBBLING ... and he never really told me why he did it ... (he looked like a man who could afford his own dictonary) ..."
"A man said TWUZZLER into the world of TWUZZLINGS."
"Well, you bring (your) children into a maddening world ... don't be too surprised if & when ..." {scan}
"Don't we even know the blood ... don't we even know the blood of all the world of life ..."
"Stop the movements. Stop those tiny movements."
"What did a man want into his only shape of federal."
"I'm not weird. I'm the golden armpit of life."
"Before you can ever hope to understand another, you must first understand yourself ... and that's more than likely to take several lifetimes of intesive investigation ..."
Quote: "The instrument has yet to be invented that could measure my indifference to that remark."
+ "Go run up a dark alley and shout fish!"
"I wonder how many songs would disappear if we decide there was nothing 2b gained by singing about someone else's faults ... and really, if the focus is on what someone ELSE is doing ... then it's a warped focus anyway ..."
"Sometimes I like to sing Nowhere Man in a silly voice, with my hand covering my
mouth (& muffling the sound of my voice). "
"Well, I probably find you as puzzling as you find me ..."
"Oh no, I'm not the january of lifetimes."
"One day, a man suddenly started doing his own chinese shopping."
"What did you grow in the mornings of worlds ... times and families ... the jolly mornings of life ..."
"Show me the blink of an eye" ---- scan :)
"That's the catch-22 isn't it ... in any society, the vast majority of individuals will spend most of their waking hours attempting to adjust to the prevailing dysfunction as best they can ... (like the Borg) ... sometimes the world goes DRAPPY."
"Food is nearly always the bandwidth of life"
"What is your example. What is your next example of life."
Quote: "Why does 9:44 always give me the creeps?"
"Believe it or not, the whole universe does not revolve around you."
"Are you calling my Mum a liar?"
"What did a man do with his own Chinese family mornings."
"Something else about life but can we fold a candle."
"Inundated ... by a constant stream of words ... suddenly silence arrives ..."
"I'm not even going to say anything more from my own chinese equivalent of worlds."
"What did a man ever do with his own time ... torn from the inside ... torn from the world of angels ..."
"My little doctor taught me how to believe in all the federal emergencies of life."
Quote: "What is it about 28-yar-old women who don't want to get involved with older men who don't want to get married or have children?"
"Life's oldest riddle ..."
Quote: "We're from Ohio, so we don't talk about sex in public. It's kind of our state motto."
"I find failure very erotic."
"Maybe that's easy to say and hard to do." {Peter Stein talking about Faust}
"This morning as I was walking home from the shops, I tried to think of a mantra with the folding dynamics ..."
"What are you doing?"
"Working on a new smile."
"You're free to participate in the current warped focus of society but in doing so, you forfeit the right to complain when you experience the bitter fruits of that warped focus. You can't have it both ways."
"I've noticed that human beings do tend to become a little irritated if you ever point out to them that the things they are pouring much of their time, energy & focus into will never bring them the experience of genine satisfaction."
"What did a man like about his own CHINKY-WINKY. His OWN chinky-winky."
"FOIPLESS world & that's the FOIPLESS life." {or 'that is'}
"What did a man do to his normals ... he didn't do anything more to his normals ..."
"Roll me and roll me. Roll me up the river."
"Suddenly I'm jumping like a chinese octopus."
"One day, I wanted 2 walk around the room saying KRILKY-WOBS-KRILKY-WOBS-KRILKY-WOBS but my Mum wouldn't let me." {Note: Sometimes, this mantra seems to work better with the phrase WAPPITY-WOO. Don't ask me why. It's a mystery to me.}
"What is your example. What is your next example of life."
"Food from itsy. Oh, that's the itsy-bitsy."
"RAZZLE-RAZZLE-RAZLLE" {best if sung}
"This pain is actually a beautiful doorway to a new experience. You might not yet see it in this light but be patient. It will happen ..."
"Found on a world. Found on a medical world."
"Beautiful distances of the world. Beautiful distances of life."
"Misfits are misfits for a very good reason. Something primal within them realises that conformity is death." {And any attempt to coerce ...}
"That's just one more variation on the human experience."
" "What is your druddling. What is your druddling of the world."
"People are very lovely in ways that they can never really explain."
"Well, I can't say it with you looking at me"
"What else did a man do with his own little mornings (of life) ..."
Yes, okay, I need 2 put line breaks etc in this next lot ... or having been reading a bit of Zen lately ...
Hopi kiva ceremony (kachina)
Plus what is compassion from june 26 journal ... mate ... well ...
Add a few of the ones in mantras.htm ... and Vice Versa ... :)
"Come on, Dave, try and work yourself into a tiny Japanese frenzy."
"We judge most harshly those who seem most different from the way we currently seem (& that which we could never imagine ourselves being)."
**** Pasted these on or around Aug 6 2002 ... and heaps more in july journal ... and faces102.htm ... mate ...
"I wanted to say YOIMPO but a man said YOIMSY."
"Federal people & those lifetime people!"
"Not even if I was very boring ... and not even if a man said something ..."
"I wanted to say GLIPPY but I said GLIMSY."
PLUS today's browsing (bookstores) ...
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=tim+lahaye+left+behind :)
Quote of the day: "If people don't like the things I say & do, they are quite welcome to go & fuck themselves."
"Both of these and both of these. Both of these and both of these. Both of these and both of these."
"Why did a man suddenly interrupt his existence ... because he wasn't really meeting with enough resistance."
"Take me away from dollars. Lifetime dollars."
"Why didn't a man talk to his own local namesake of life."
three eyes on my faces ... :)
"It's always nice to try & limit the amount of damage you might do to your own life."
"Oh come on, tell me a few secrest about the wrold ..."
"What would a man even want to do to his own life."
"What else did you do during your big, big, big moment of life."
"I don't think anyone really likes me because they don't even like me anymore."
"We had a very fair divorce ... we split the house fifty-fifty ... she got the inside, I got the outside ..."
"When you get down to the bottom of your forest, you will local your normal and local your forest."
"No. No. No. I'm not going to listen to any of your instructions."
Quote of the day (from a recent email): "For society to function smoothly, there must be just the right blend of crazies and non-crazies."{And it IS somethin 2 contemplate ... if we were all steady & reliable in disposition, there'd be no creative souls to produce music or art or poetry ... and yet if we all had a (volatile) artistic temperament, things would be even more chaotic ...}
**** Note: that font change was originally to cyan :)
Quote: "The tethatu shaman is trained to channel such powers to dissolve the samskara from a patient."
- from aug 6 journal & samskara :)
"Why wouldn't I give my own dollars. Give my own shaking, baking and working."
" ... and that's the world ... and that's the silence ... "
"Life remembers itself into its own songs of the morning."
"I like to think I'm a little more puzzling (or annoying) than your average lunatic."
"Beautiful thankless world & a beautiful thankless life. Fake learnings. The fake learnings of the world."
"Please don't hurt the animals while teasing them." {a sign at a zoo in some place like Tokyo :)
"I don't even very many of world lifetime many."
"... followed by ... another statement ... the world statement ... & the other statement ..."
"One day, a man wanted to tell me something but he told me something else instead."
"I'm working for the famous examples of life."
"I don't care. In fact, this is at the top of the list of things I don't care about."
"A man sometimes sits in the forest and says puke all day long."
"Sometimes a man can't even tell himself a golden story about (his own) life ..."
"I would say that everyone is dormant in their own lifetimes."
"Sometimes a man walks down to the breakfast table with 20 dollars in his pocket."
"A man who lives in the Bahamas doesn't really need any pyjamas."
"Yes, but that's the relationship that people have towards their own lives."
"My voluntary statement is as follows ..."
"Sometimes I like to say things randomly ... as if I am a madman ..."
"Don't we even like the woman and don't we even like our children."
Quote (or question) of the day: "Why are our children all such knuckle-dragging idiots?"
"It's truly amazing just how much advice joyless people seem to think they are qualified to hand out. In reality, the only phenomenon on which they are experts is how to tolerate a joyless existence. And that's something nobody needs to know." (or become an expert at)
"And everytime a man goes into his favourite shop, he might do something or he might just stop."
"Food is the next thing you would ever eat."
"I like the part in the Bible where the man goes totally berserk and starts killing his entire family."
... or God get so pissed off he invents leprosy ... or Christ's cannibal (or sexual) fantasies ...
**** Note: that font change was originally to white :)
"It's like my Dad said just before they took him away ... I think I need a hospital treatment of my diagnosis ..."
"Tolerance is about standing outside yourself and seeing the world from another person's perspective."
"Every citizen will be washed in a cleansing shower of open-mindedness."
"If it weren't for the war, we'd be having a pretty good time. Though what we'd be doing over here without a war is anybody's guess."
"Sorry, I'm having a frustrating morning. Becoming one with the universe can be a tricky business."
"I just love ruining my life. It's a beautiful experience. It's definitely the best way to live ..."
"I want to know a little bit more about the primitive doorknobs of life."
"Recite this mantra every day & by some mysterious process which nobody fully understands, you'll find yourself instinctively making better choices (or your money cheerfully refunded)."
"What kind of thoughts would you rather fill your head with ..."
"You seem terribly attached to that particular point of view ..."
"WHY-DIDDY-DO (3 times - one in capitals - Arial - colour - size ...)"
"Food is the never-ending best way of life."
"A man talks sideways though his own doctor's appointment."
"I used to believe in all the solid mornings of life."
"Good children. Good women. Good vomit. Good silence."
"Suddenly a man called humself a normal little bastard."
"A man once said to me that I was crazy & I said to him well, you're probably right there, matey."
"A man goes blig-blig and a world goes blinking ..."
"... and we only tell the stories ... of the medical ... of the world ..."
"One day, a man told me a stry about his life and I really tried to be interested in what he was saying but i couldn't quite manage it. Very old jungles. Lifetime jungles."
"Float onto a diamond. World onto a diamond."
"Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't even scare me."
"You're angry at me? Oh, you poor thing. Has your experience told you that being angry at anyone will ever solve any of your problems? (needs work :)"{As LONG as you are angry AT anyone for ANY reason, you have not even STARTED to heal yourself ...}
"No. No. No. I'm not even a random little bastard."
"I used to enjoy the lovely little medical arrangements of life."
"Rolling. Rolling. Rolling. Ten mornings. Ten mornings. Ten mornings. Rolling. Rolling. Rolling."{This mantra really needs to be sung - in whatever style that appeals to you at the time}
"I used to believe in the federal tininess of less. Federal tiny Jesus."
"Most men & women don't even understand (their own) mentality of life."
"I think it's important to scream like a madman at every available opportunity."
"One day a man came over to me and he told me that I was a part of the Japanese cycle."
"Sometimes a man puts some structure into his own behaviour and then he follows this structure down through the angles of life."
"Get a world, get a family & get a modern lifetime."
"If that's what you (believe you) need to do to stop yourself going completely insane"
"I'm not mad - I'm Jesus Christ - Geoff, you can't say naughty things like that - Yes, I can. It's a gorgeous way to live."
"Sometimes a man loves his own federal emergencies of worlds. Diamonds and worlds."
"And now another man is kicking the ball ... and the umpires are doing something ... and some of the people in the crowd seem to be getting very excited about something ... and what's this ... oh, now another player is kicking the ball in the other direction ... it's a great game ... but now they've all suddenly stopped and it's time for a nap ..." {make it up as you go along }
"You know as well as I do that history is full of sexy limpers."
Life is a stimulation of reality. --- used in journal but send 2 BB ...
"I was 14 when my diamonds exploded. Lifetime eroded. World change me over."
"I don't walk around clinging to the kind of warped nonsense that most human beings have filled their heads with. I wish I could help them but they do have free will and eventually at some stage their own direct experience will lead them to at least contemplate letting go of the nonsense ..."
Quote of the day: be thrilled by the miracle ... don't make demands ... (at aquarium watching the people watching the fish ...)
"People don't really want honesty, they just want someone to agree with them."
In this next episode of our story, the hero tries valiantly to defend himself from being attacked by the onion people using nothing but his favourite salad tongs.
Recent studies prove that only one person in every 25,000 is interesting enough to talk to.
Testing ...
"I used to think I was such a crazy little bastard."
"You could try to cultivate compasion towards them because anyone who behaves in such a manner is deeply, profoundly unhappy & has not the beginnings of a clue as to what 2 do about it ..."
One day, a man tried to speak to me about his own ridisulous life.
Write the child & write the child a prescription
"Most (if not all) heated disagreements between human beings arise when both participants have a huge emotional investment in the illusion of being right about the matter being discussed."
BB -
"No. No. No. I'm not even a ghastly bastard" {Eternal}
IMPOTANT NEWS: "Big Brother's voice makes me ejaculate in my pants. P.S. How do I change my forum ID to Sick Puppy."
Food is better than the weirdness of life.
But a bird in the hand makes a lot of noise.
Every Saturday morning, my dad wakes up & he says the sme thing.
"No. No. No. I'm not a crazy (little) bastard."
I've often wondered why he does this ...
"Movement. I love the movement."
"He could be the next archbishop of Sydney. Oh no, wait. That's just TOO cruel. Forget I said anything."
"Two dollars. Two dollars. Two dollars. I'm not even the two dollar salesman. "
"Federal bloke & the man loves the other bloke." {Eternal}
"Floating bubble Topic: Did anyone notice ..."
"You can't lock me up, mate. I'm not even crazy."
"I really don't know what to say next." --- done
4 separate - and click 'Back' -
I like to see the water boiling.
And somethimes I like to tell people about it.
My underpants are frozen.
I was thinking as I walked home from the shops today. We do tend to divide the world up into 'people we know' and 'people we don't know'. And we do tend to treat each group very differentlt, don't we. I just thought I'd like to share that with the forum. Maybe tonight you will hug a stranger. You know you want to.
"10,000 maniacs"
"How are you feeling right now --- faces.gif at melbpc"
"I can say things that are really weird. Like floating on a rubber story."
""It's like my Dad always used to tell me on my birthday: 'A man is always a woman instead.'"
"Federal blimsy. Lifetime blimsy."
"I like to work and I like to work the people. I like to work the people into a friendly frenzy."
"My doctor sold me a famous lifetime."
"No. No. My money. Don't soothe me with a dollar."
" ... and because we hae an entire society that seems to believe that anger is the best repsonse to frustration ... "
"Why does a man talk to his own language of life."
"The world acts like a tiny sponge ... soaking up madness without any fun."
"Your unknown life is your unknown sandwich.""
"Food gets no mention in the Bible."
"I like clapping & then saying my name to people."
"Come on, Mum. Don't try & scare me with your thoughts and words and ideas about life."
"If you find a madman in the forest, ask him where the toothpaste ripens."
"From the mystic's point of view, your average normal human being is quite crazy & clutching onto ideas & behaviours which are either absurd or unworkable."
"No. No. No. A man can never walk into another man's life."
"... but I forgive them because they don't really know very much about life."
"I'm trying to tickle myself into a frenzy (of reality)."
"I like to woogle woogle into my own human life."
"I like 2 watch myself co crazy." --- SCAN handwritten & smiley ... :)
"Flooning. I like to believe in the flooning of lives & the flooning of the world & flooning of something else."
"People don't even like me anymore - they love to kick me out the door."
"The world is a tiny loop. And I like to loop-the-loop."
"People like to pay a lot of attention to their own tiny families."
"I like to throw water into a bucket and watch it splash."
"I would like someone to save me a biscuit (so I can eat it on the way home)"
"One thing's for sure. I can't go back. THAT would be like asking a butterfly to go back to being a
"Food is always the specialty of the house."
"I'd like to know a bit more about the ongoing arrangements of worlds."
"You have no need whatsoever for external validation. However, if you wander around believing that you do need it you will search endlessly for it in vain."
"Don't we even know about things and don't we even like our diamond wings."
"Tap me on the shoulder & I'm not growing any older."
"Can we ever really love our children throughout the mornings of our lives"
"Shepherds work and shepherds play. They play another lovely game."
"Sorry, I'll try to adjust my sense of humour so that it's more like yours."
"That's great. But I want (to speak to) a local medical expert."
{Plus loads on tape begun RIGHT after Dr paul & family 'therapy' idea ... :)}
"Medical. Medical. Medical. Life is always medical."
"Come on Mum. Don't scare yourself with your own lifetime."
My doctor told me how to jump and scrape the world of life.
"That's pretty obvious, I suppose ... if it wasn't terribly tempting, then the world wouldn't be full of human beings doing just that ..."
"How do we like our world ... how do we ever like the niceness of life ..."
"I'm on this planet to do whatever I bloody like and I will do it every day and every night."
"The world needs more people who think like me. I am the ghost of your reality."
"Nice people. Nice women. Nice children. Nice doctors."
"On a fine, sunny day in 1963 an angel appeared and said a few things 2 me."
"Most human beings seem to to have this belief that if you express an opinion or point of view with increased volume or with a lot of emotion that somehow lends it more validity."
"Suddenly I'm screaming like a man who would always scream about his life."
"I'm talking about men and I'm talking about children. I'm talking about the medical histroy of life."
"What other krooklings have we ever known about?" {Note: the 'oo' sound is identical to how it is in the word 'ooze' rather than how it is in theword look or book or chook}
"I'm putrid ... & I'm always putrid"
"I want to buy things with money and then I want to buy things with all the money."
"I'm finding things in my brain that are very hard 2 explain."
"The secret of life is to run around the room saying 'I am the local japanese soldier' ..."
"My doctor taught me how to frizzle. He taught me how to frizzle the drizzle."
***** More mantras in bot of april17.htm ... :)
"What is it when we do and what is it when we don't."
Quote: "The tethatu shaman is trained to channel such powers to dissolve the samskara from a patient."
- from aug 6 journal & samskara :)
"If this truth thing catches on, I could be out of a job."
Here's some 'older ones ...
Ideas -
* Scan --- something about the tiny mornings of life ... :) ... gold ...
* write out (when FLYING :) best of last couple of months ... like forget your own name ... and BB ... :)
* alt="" ??
* Smiley link into it ... done :)
*** Break up into 2 files? - lesser ones ... ???
* And move the BEST ones up ...
* Some of my way-out poems ... hmmm ...
* Or whatever pops into my cotton-picking mind ... :)
Sometimes I lay awake at night dreaming of all the wonderful mistakes I will make throughout the rest of my life on this planet
... others in eternal? ... :)
Why don't people want to love me anymore?
"No. No. No. I'm not a crazy bastard (anymore)."
Tell me something and I will pay your money ...
"I used to love the ten commandments - until I started living in another compartment"
"Federal bloke & that's my medical bloke."
"People generally try really hard not to look like an axe murderer" {at Melbourne aqaurium July 1 2002 - school hols :)
Loads more as flyin again ...
"The world is a diamond implement in which people can experience their daily"
"Sometimes a man shakes his own destiny"
"My life became deranged one day ... and that's the way it's going to stay"
"Get the message. Get the message. Get the message." :)
"The world is a special place where people can live."
**** A few out of main journal etc ...
Scan handwritten version (or variation) of "warped nonsense" form mum999c ... :)
mantra31.jpg - include ... :)
add links to mantras 21 to 28 (at least) ... :)
**** A copy in
A few might also be found in the recent
... e.g. this one
*** Aug 6 - no doubt there is some duplication ... then again ... the idea of a mantra is repetition :)
"What's the difference between an ice cream and a nice scream."
"Sometimes I like to sing Nowhere Man in a silly voice, with my hand covering my
mouth (& muffling the sound of my voice). "
PLUS load & loads in may2001.htm ... and used a few in July already in journal ... matey ... FLYING ... :)