Poems Jan 2000   &

Natural High

I don't do drugs
My mind is just naturally psychedelic
I used to think it was a sunken relic
I have no need to escape reality
I create what I need inside of me
I can watch any old sunset
And drown in waves of silent wonder
I watch this planet from above,
and under
I feel the grass growing
Telling me when it needs another mowing
I hear the sounds of the universe expanding
A feather gently landing
In dreams I contact every soul
That ever lived or ever will
I know this all sounds too fantastic
My brain is made of common elastic
I tell you this without hesitation
Dare to dwell inside your own imagination
Don't be jealous of my strange excitement
I too used to live in the same basement
Until I turned my gaze skyward
And realised I was

And so I decided to climb it.

A vision for the future

Our current world seems to host every conceivable imperfection
There is only one real solution. We need a spiritual reconnection
People underestimate the true power of the spirit. It is infinite
But you rarely feel this power until you live every moment in it

Meditation is the way back to this infinite power source
Deep down you already knew this to be true, of course
When enough people turn inwards and contact their soul
The world will start to be healed and we will all become whole

Please don't laugh or shake your head at what I am saying
For centuries people have recognised the true meaning of praying
Meditation can introduce you to your true divine nature
Every human being is indeed a miraculous creature

In a frantic world, a couple of hours a day may be hard to invest
But when enough souls are united, miracles can start to manifest
This new perception will bring us all closer to each other
You will start to see every stranger as a sister or brother

One day soon this will al make sense
We will see the reason our past was so tense
And wonder why we continued the pretence
By looking at each other from behind a fence

Meditation can put you on the path to becoming a truly radiant being
At the very least, it will open up profound new ways of seeing
Strange as it seems, you already know all these things
We are simply angels who have forgotten to use our wings

Of course you'll have to decide if you want it badly enough
Many people will see this as just silly, airy-fairy stuff
I pray for that day when all of us step into the light
The world will be transformed. It will be a wondrous sight

Geoff Allen 26 - 10 - 99

Poem written by a whale and a dolphin in a spaceship

People walk towards me And they walk towards The doorways of always People talk right through me Then do things to me In the doorways of always I am the twelfth nightmare of existence My days are spent here at your insistence I must leave you now So that one day I may return to you Through the doorways of all ways

Poem with no know title and no stated purpose

I am the most of times And the most of lives I slip through the doorways of time To live amongst you and beside you My existence is an enigma An unsolved mystery I live in the moments where nothing really happens My name is unknown And often unheard I fall silently Into the night Only to rise again With dawn's first light I am

A random list of words that are hard if not impossible to define

Life, Love, Time, Space, Trust, Sublime, Memory, Self, Sleep, Consciousness, Awareness, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Define, Explain, Analyse, Happiness, Ego, Imagination, Truth, Reality, Energy, Light, Existence, Life.

Poem designed to bend your mind back into its original shape

I used to arrange my life so sweetly That it would never disappear so neatly I used to plan each waking moment Until it became a sacred monument I used to feel my entire body breathing In the night it would always seem a real thing I used to glow in the dark like a distant star I wondered who or what we really are I used to think about the trees on the hill That grew in the silence of sunshine until The day would come when they should fall In many ways I hear that very same call There is no more I can tell you for now Try not to wrinkle or furrow your brow This poem is a reminder of all we have lost One day soon we will tally the true cost This last verse is really not like the rest It was placed here merely as a bit of a test To see how much more of this you can take I'll go outside now and stand on a rake Oops that was painful. I won't do that again I think I should stick to using paper and pen To record each random and variable thought Mental gymnastics is suddenly my favourite sport

Work in progress

I am one of at least six billion souls Each one living their various roles On a planet that spins around on its axis While governments seek new ways to raise taxes All around me I see people of every colour and size Variations on a them with arms, legs, faces and eyes The ants are my friends and so are the birds Some thoughts I find cannot be captured in words We orbit our sun while being warmed by its rays It has been this way now for countless days Is the idea of a big bang correct as we have been taught? Or is this universe the manifestation of one divine thought? We have learned to define ourselves with such small thoughts Limitations and assumptions which deny our true source How did we allow this to happen? Are we really so blind? We are now quite disconnected from the universal mind We fill our days with every conceivable entertainment Somehow this does not seem to produce much contentment We keep ourselves constantly busy and eternally distracted You have to wonder of our minds have become fractured What does it all mean? People often inquire Is there something to which we can all aspire Will some messiah emerge to raise our spirits higher? Would that serve to satisfy some universal desire? If you can find calm in the midst of this confusion You may start to see right through the illusion We seem to be prisoners of time and of space Many believe we simply die and leave no trace The answer my friends may be closer than you'd imagine Hold onto your hats as this may make your head spin Deep inside you there is a quiet presence You might even call it your divine essence It may lay there dormant for many long years Subdued and covered over by all of your fears Listen carefully and you may hear its silent call During those wondrous moments where You feel fabulous for no reason at all I can't think how to end this poem It really has no final statement In a few years or weeks or days I may return to it to add a new phrase

My Way

I found God through psychosis
This may sound strange but if you focus
You'll see a million paths to the divine
Yours is likely very different from mine


I've been to the place where it all makes sense
Where there is no past or future tense
To get there is easy - you may find
All you need is a quiet mind

C  J  '

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