Poems written in Jan 2000   &

My favourite psychosis


Poem written while mowing the lawn

The structural integrity of the universe

Excerpts from The Troubled Mind

More will follow ... if you behave yourselves ...

Poems written in Oct/Nov 1999

Parallel Worlds

Imagine, if you will, that this entire universe you now inhabit
Is a single cell inside the brain of a cute bunny rabbit
The rabbit lives on a tiny planet surrounded by a trillion stars
In a solar system which sees nothing like Jupiter and Mars

Imagine, for a moment, the entire universe this rabbit can see
Is a single tiny atom inside a still higher reality
You can take this speculation as far as it will go
There may be a whole universe inside you little toe

If this fantastic idea holds some appeal to you
Dwell on it for a second and it just may be true
Are we being visited by beings on some interstellar course
Or do the visitors come from some familiar internal source

Poem written by an extremely bored man driving a bus

(optional title - A tale told by an idiot)

I am lost in a maze of overlapping and underestimated realities
While three fortunate souls parade their radiant personalities
I follow the path but it ends abruptly
Even the signposts have been corrupted
A web of confusion
One more distorted illusion
A false and transparent identity
In the mirror that sits in front of me
I live in this political and psychological landscape
Most of my time is spent looking for the escape
I gather up my random harvest
I crawl along without much rest
I have become subatomic and metabolic
My dreams are irreversible and transatlantic
I live in the twelve oldest regions of time and space
Holding this candle which burns and leaves no trace
My world is suddenly hypnotic and antibiotic
I'm wondering if I just might be psychotic
I sing along without a voice
I dwell upon the one real choice
The grass grows greener inside my head
In shades of blue it sometimes turns red
I build tunnels inside my own brain
Twisting and turning to the standard refrain
A shaft of light at the bottom of a well
There is much more of this tale to tell

A vision for the future

Our current world seems to host every conceivable imperfection
There is only one real solution. We need a spiritual reconnection
People underestimate the true power of the spirit. It is infinite
But you rarely feel this power until you live every moment in it

Meditation is the way back to this infinite power source
Deep down you already knew this to be true, of course
When enough people turn inwards and contact their soul
The world will start to be healed and we will all become whole

Please don't laugh or shake your head at what I am saying
For centuries people have recognised the true meaning of praying
Meditation can introduce you to your true divine nature
Every human being is indeed a miraculous creature

In a frantic world, a couple of hours a day may be hard to invest
But when enough souls are united, miracles can start to manifest
This new perception will bring us all closer to each other
You will start to see every stranger as a sister or brother

One day soon this will al make sense
We will see the reason our past was so tense
And wonder why we continued the pretence
By looking at each other from behind a fence

Meditation can put you on the path to becoming a truly radiant being
At the very least, it will open up profound new ways of seeing
Strange as it seems, you already know all these things
We are simply angels who have forgotten to use our wings

Of course you'll have to decide if you want it badly enough
Many people will see this as just silly, airy-fairy stuff
I pray for that day when all of us step into the light
The world will be transformed. It will be a wondrous sight

Geoff Allen 26 - 10 - 99

Premature Death

I heard a man say that God is dead
I wondered if he meant the words he said
If God is now dead, he must have once been alive
In that case, why did he fail to survive?

Is he really dead or is he just resting?
Has he found secret ways of manifesting?
Is he really dead or is he just waiting?
Are these questions actually worth debating?

I attended God's funeral just the other day
When I saw some small children nearby at play
I glanced over toward them and to my surprise
I saw God living in each child's eyes

Red Dwarf

Have you seen a TV show called Red Dwarf?
If you have, did it make you smile and lawf?
The Cat and Lister along with Kryten and Holly
How could I forget Rimmer with that face so jolly

They travel through space on a vessel called Starbug
Encountering aliens who often give them a bear hug
They bounce backwards and forwards in time
No wonder their tempers and temperatures climb

In one episode, they come across a strange polymorph
Quite a dilemma for the motley crew of Red Dwarf
You see this creature feeds on negative emotions
It has come to the right place because these guys have oceans
(To be continued ...)

Ego Trip

I am the perfect example of what a human being should be,
I walk through the doorways of your three-dimensional reality,
My mind is sublime - it is transparent and transcendental,
Any resemblance between you and me is completely coincidental.

I am the clour of the raindrop that rests upon your nose,
I am a medieval magician wearing the emperor's new clothes,
I live like a prophet in the backyards of this society,
I build oceans of calm in the midst of all your anxiety.

Half Baked idea for a poem

'Twas the night before pension day
And all through my head
Not a brain cell was stirring
They were resting or dead.

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